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PARAMAHANSA YOGANANDA, Yoganandas Legacy,YOGANANDA FOR THE WORLD, HIS LIFE and TEACHINGS, DISCOVERYOGANANDA, MEDITATION. KRIYA YOGA, DEVOTION, INSPIRATION, SPIRITUALITY, GOD ,COMPARATIVE RELIGION, SUCCESS, consciousness changing, SELF-TRANSFORMATION. The self-empowerment of working with a true Living Guru. Note - all photos except those of Yogananda and SRF people are copyrighted by Parente Phtotographic Arts 2006.
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Saturday, May 17, 2008
The Selflessness of Paramahansa Yogananda
"I own nothing, yet I have everything.
Sometimes I have given away my last dollar.
But I was never left out.
God has always provided for me.
I am very rich in that respect, even though
poor outside -poor, not by compulsion,
but by my own willingness.
If I have my father with me,
what riches more can I want?
That is the teaching of the East.
That is what all Americans need to remember.
Behind the dollar, behind all your efforts,
is that great power.
And if that power wishes you to have the right job,
the right anything, you will have it tomorrow,
if you are in tune with God.
Everything was given to me that way.
And I gave it all away to the cause,
that I not be a slave to anyone or anything."
by Paramahansa Yogananda,
from page 205 ,Journey to Self-Realization,
© Self-Realization Publishers LA USA
Monday, May 12, 2008
by Yogananda
In the simplest terms, Yog ananda says;
"Truth is exact correspondence with Reality."
“Truth is a very ambiguous word;
it is a difficult concept to explain.
Everyone has convictions they swear to as truth.
But among countless differing ideas,
what is really true?
Truth is relative and truth is absolute.
It passes through many evolutions in the relative
stages before it reaches the absolute.
For example, two people are discussing a
business venture. One makes a proposal that
is sure to bring success, and the other person
makes a counter proposal that accomplishes
the same goal but has additional advantages.
But then a third person
comes long and has an even better idea.
Each method was “true” in its own right,
but in a relative sense.
In the absolute sense, anything that contradicts true
happiness is untruth, and that which gives
permanent happiness is truth. Permanent happiness
refers not to the temporary thrill that
comes with material success and pleasure, but in
the joy found in the soul’s attunement with God.
By this standard you can judge any action you
perform as to its projected end result-whether or
not that action will promote lasting happiness.”
From “Journey to Self-Realization, pp 107
© Self-Realization Fellowship Publishers LA USA
Friday, April 25, 2008
Spiritual Destiny & Prophecy Merge in Kriya Yoga
See these Links to; >>>>>>gt;>>
Self-Realization and the Spiritual Quest
His mother’s arms, the child of the Holy
Mother & Holy Father from Gorakpur, India.
He was presented for a darshan to the great
Yogi/prophet Lahiri Mahasaya in Banares,
Yogananda's devout Hindu parents were
Kriya yoga disciples of this modern Yogi.
Lahiri Mahasaya said to Yoganandas mother,
"Little mother, thy son will be a Yogi.
As a spiritual engine he will carry
many souls to God's kingdom."
(page 17, Autobiography of a Yogi)
This powerful comment on Yoganandas destiny was more than prophecy, it was also a special permission spiritualized into the ether for all of Yoganandas work which would eventually
materialize as a living, inspiring, dynamic, non-sectarian global NRM, the Self-Realization Fellowship/Yogoda Sat Sanga.
A permission that no doubt originally came from Mahavatar Babaji, as witnessed from Yoganandas visit by the great Avatar Himself.
Such was Yoganandas humility that He would not undertake this venture to America without Babaji’s personal Blessing & verification of this sacred mission. Which He received from Mahavatar Babji in person.
This is the true nature of a great souls word, it always materializes as he promises.
It is also significant in this plan that Yogananda was trained specifically for this challenging mission, and came to America by official invitation from Unitarians to speak at a global religious conference.
The actual reason why Lahiri Mahasaya forbad others from starting organizations of any kind was not just specifically because of the yogic traditions. Instead, it was because the future launching of this great new spiritual dispensation was to be carried out by Yogananda on a vast global scale.
Further evidence of the above idea is mentioned by another credible witness, Sananda Ghosh, author of Yoganandas Biography 'Mejda.'
See chapter seven entitled 'Chittagong,' where Lahiri Mahasaya appears to Yogananda and his younger Brother Sananda in a Litchi tree orchard.
Mahasaya is an inspiration for all devotees.
"Jaiastu ( Victory be with you )Lahiri Mahasaya said,
" Mukunda, it is God's wish that I come to you
today. Remember what I say to you.
You have come on earth as God's representative
to fulfill His wishes. Your body is His temple,
sanctified by prayers and meditation.
Do not run after material pleasures
and satisfaction. You will show the way that leads
to true happiness;and by your spiritual knowledge
you will deliver those who are suffering in
ignorance. Never forget that you are one with
Maha Purusha (The Great Soul, a title of the
Supreme Spirit), attained only by those who
are supremely successful in meditation.
Your body, mind and life must never deviate
from the thought of God, even for a moment.
The blessings of the Infinite Father are upon
you. Your faith in Him must be absolute.
He will protect you from all dangers.
In this world only He is eternal; all else is
transient and unreliable. One day your
ideas of Yoga will inspire all mankind.
Mukunda, march onward!"...........end
Here again in front of another witness who wrote his book, we have Lahiri Mahasaya prophesying an extraordinary role for Paramahansa Yogananda in the future, and advising Him to prepare His life for
the helping of struggling humankind.
" Yogananda, you have been surrounded from birth by direct disciples of Lahiri Mahasaya. The great master lived his sublime life in partial seclusion, and steadfastly refused to permit his followers to build any organization around his teachings. He nevertheless made a significant prediction.
"'About fifty years after my passing," he said, 'an account of my life will be written because of a deep interest in yoga that will arise in the west. The message of yoga will encircle the globe. It will aid in establishing the brotherhood of man:
a unity based on humanity's direct perception of the One Father."
" my son Yogananda," Sri Yukteswar went on, " You must do your part in spreading that message, and in writing that sacred life." [and it became so with the publication of Yoganandas inspiring book, " Autobiography of a Yogi." Thus fulfilling a prophecy made by Lahiri Mahasaya and Sri Yukteswar many years earlier.
Now, without diminishing the stature of Swami Vivekananda who came to America in 1893, it appears in the divine schema that he served as a special example and forerunner in this work of fully introducing the world outside of India to the Holy Sanatana Dharma.[The Eternal Religion]
There is also anecdotal evidence that Vivekananda was aware of Yoganandas birth and mission which took place that very same year that the swami was in America.
This was evidenced by another witness, who is mentioned in classic Autobiography of a Yogi.
It is true that a number of noble Western philosophers previously had a seriously expressed interest/respect for India’s spiritual wisdom, but by and large they did not attain to that fullness of liberation to the same degree we see in the yogis of Babjis / Yoganandas lineage.
And other wonderful renowned lineages from sacred India. The record, I believe by now, has generously proved Paramahansa Yogananda to be to be the right soul for this job, at the
right place at the right time in Vedic spiritual history.
When persons suggest that some occurance may be truly "the will of God," one may look to a great life and its legacy such as that of
Yogananda to see divine will in action.
One should always ask, "what were the great powers that brought so many complex forces together over a period of time to create such an outstanding result?"
his charisma, compassion, balance,
truthfulness, and understanding, divine love,
and intuitive insights, Wisdom, and other spiritual qualities.
His exquisite teaching abilities and mastery
of the English language which came so quickly,
and His powers of observation and creativity
made Him especially suitable to this project.
organization was not unique when Yogananda
began Self-Realization Fellowship /YSS in America.
Back in the 8th century, it was the incomparable Adi
Shankara, who widely reorganized Hinduism when
He established 21 monastic orders and four papal
centers in the Indian subcontinent. These were to
represent the Holy Vedic tradition of the Hindus
and were intitially overseen by four great disciples.
The effect of His great work was to protect sacred
Hinduism from extermination by less civilized
invaders who often came in hoards from the west.
These great monastic orders are still function-
ing to this day. Although He was a major Savior/
Avatar, He was able to accomplish his work without
creating a new religion. This, I believe is great food
for thought! Considering the great status of his soul
and the vast and varied cultures being dealt with.
Mass., USA, Yogananda was called to California,
where Kriya - Yogoda teaching began to spread
like fire soon after His arrival.
This was the divine plan, first to be written/spoken declared in the worlds [soon to be] most common language.
Second, to be launched where so many of the
world’s great innovations are launched from,
"California", where else! This will become one
of the great spiritual links between India and
America. A true hormonizing of East and West!
of being one of the most photographed prophets
in history. And one of the few whose detailed
life record and teachings have thus far remained
intact with His organizaiton. Albeit, differing
opinions will no doubt always prevail!
Since Yoganandas pioneering work of sharing in
the field of the spiritual science of Kriya Yoga began, many Gurus of varying achievements have ventured out of sacred India to launch their own yoga paths and organizations.
there who attack Yogananda and brand Him as
a odd renegade Yogi for starting an organization.
Yogananda really had no choice - either you stay
small in a dusty little ashram, or if growth of Kriya is
astronomical, it must take on an organized structure
of some sort to keep things flowing with the least problems.
It's like the difference of a dozen homes located out
in the country compared to the organizational needs
of a large metropolis. It is this very organization that
is the key to protecting this modern Kriya Yoga
science revelation from deterioration and confusion.
from religious hijackers and false prophets.
A process already taking place in the organizations
of certain other groups outside of SRF. Where even
the Masters honored name is sometimes rarely mentioned,
and where others have attempted to pose as gurus in
this same lineage against the wishes of Yogananda.
organizations, yet their own followers created
organizations in their names after their demise.
There are some who while speaking against orgs are
actually[sneakily] in the process of creating
organizations themselves. Yes, I have met such
people. It seems that they do gain a number of
followers [seekers] who are attracted to the talk
that they will never have to join an organization,
many are being deceived! Alas, many Kriya
gurus are setting up organizations on different
scales. They sometimes are doing this while
criticizing SRF. Yogananda Himself was never
that fond of organizations. He did what He did
to fulfill the mandate imposed upon Him by
divine will.
will which the master knew. Thus did Yogananda in
His continuing wisdom see that all elements of a
legal and democratic organization was fully set up
before his Mahasamadhi.
that it has everything the devotee could ask from a
divinely inspired yogic path. It will serve as a
universal aid to the members of many other world
religions who have members who need the more
esoteric understanding to move forward in their
divine quest. It is far enough ahead of its time to
be valid for millennums to come.
It is amazing what unprovable schemes men will
come up with to gain followers and power.
And what titles they sometimes give themselves.
They usually begin with stories about Babaji coming
to them in form or dreams to tell them they must
now spread kriya yoga. Why make up fairytales -
just go and do what you were going to do anyways.
History is full of persons who claimed their sacred
missions and/or books were by divine command
and therefore their special status came from certain
angels. With usually no witnesses! Just think of how
many have claimed to be the return of Jesus over
the centuries! Yes, when people hear this from some
they just go running after them blindly with deep &
innocent faith.
This would be why Yogananda, as chief disciple in
His branch of His lineage called "closure" on any
future guruships in this line. He was the last one,
any claims to the contrary carry no value. This act
of 'closure' by the master can also be found in the
works of many great prophets. It is clearly was done
to protect the new devotee from misrepresentation,
the resulting confusion & loss of spiritual clarity.
Unlike some of these would be Kriya gurus of varied
quality, some of whom even left SRF to make their
own disappointing claims to fame [by their own
words I assure you], Yoganandas Dispensation has
a long validated history, and examples galore to
support its own authenticity.
And although Yogananda has shared with us many
divine visitations of great souls including Jesus,
Krishna, Yukteshwar, St. Frances etc, the greatness
of His life and work can stand fully on its own merits.
Had He not even mentioned any of this, the world
has still witnessed the great stature of this man of
God in many ways that count seriously enough to
claim Him as an major Avatar. His mission was very
far reaching and of profound depth of vision.
When one produces such an outstanding legacy of
advanced souls, history, and spiritual literature, and
inspiration to millions globally, and halfway through
His Mission is awarded India's highest spiritual title
"Paramahansa"] by His mentor Sri Yukteswar.
You can be sure that Babaji would not be sending
others to repeat a successfully launched mission
[and thus confuse] this great work.
He did have living, breathing predecessors who are
historically validated by circumstance and history,
both in spiritual literature & on film. We know with
full evidence the nature and wisdom of India's great
ones in the path of Kriya Yoga above all.
IMHO... PYisLove
You cannot think your way into God-realization.
by using the concentrated mind in meditation,
going beyond the intellect to perceive
through the power of the soul’s sixth sense.
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
True Kriya Yoga?
Links to;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Self-Realization Fellowship/YSS
SRF Devotees Forum and community.
The Successful Launching of a Modern Spiritual Legacy.
Some information sources and would be teachers are claiming that they will give you the "real", or the "original", or the "complete" Kriya yoga teachings. This is seldom never true. The religious world is full of people whose egos have their own wild agendas!
They say there are elements missing from Yoganandas methods of this important practice. Some will also tell you that without their methods your kriya from other sources
won't work properly. They are not qualified to make such a judgment, they have not dedicated a lifetime of practice to SRF Kriya Yoga.
On this issue it is extremely difficult to make a true comparison.
Most professed claims are made to gain devotees and fame.
First of all, not one of these persons actually witnessed Lahiri Mahasaya receiving the first kriyas from Mahavatar Babaji
in 1861. [this Person is not likely the Babji touted by some present teachers who like to claim His name as their authority to redo everyone elses work in this field!]
Claims by such persons that this same Babaji came to them to duplicate some great mission sound very dubious at best.
Just think of how many have claimed that angels gave them
the authority to save the world - no witnesses!
It is said that LM reduced its complex forms to the basics really needed by devotees.
In 1893 Lahiri Mahasaya made a prophecy to Yoganadas mother saying, "Little mother, thy son will be a Yogi. As a
spiritual engine he will carry many souls to God's kingdom."(page 17, Autobiography of a Yogi).
This was more than a prophecy, this was the statement that was to become fact with the power of such a great Yogi, Lahiri Mahasaya was actually making a statement of permission for Paramahansa Yoganandas great spiritual dispensation that was to take place in the future.
LM then passed Kriya on to his successors, including one SriYukteswar of Puri India.
His only chief disciple, Paramahansa Yogananda, was officially authorized to spread said Kriya to the world. This is the true lineage succession and plan.
LM also asked his other disciples not creat any organizations. That is - not to do the work meant for Yoganandas future.
Claims to the contrary are questionable for a number of reasons and may be false.
One should keep in mind that these were all great persons who knew what they were doing by training and sending
Yogananda to spread Kriya Yoga to the world.
He did a remarkably great job.
Half way through His work in America Yoganandas peers honored Him with India's top spiritual title -"Paramahansa."
This title is above "Swami" and they are not used together.
literally set themselves up as successor
paths/gurus in the lineage of Yogananda
and other Kriya masters. Yogananda
Himself called closure on all those who
would claim to be gurus directly
downline from Himself in this lineage.
Just launching this spiritual dispensation
in the worlds most popular language in
itself was part of this grand plan. And PY
quickly developed a superb mastery of
the English language soon after arriving in
America. Particularly shown in His poetry.
Yoganandas success in this global mission
was due to far more than his great spiritual
charisma, as many would suggest.
He was very balanced, flexible and original
as shown by his history. Next to his great
spiritual realization, healing powers & wisdom,
skill and genius as a teacher were quite
outstanding. Thus are we the benefactors
of such an original, complete, and lucid legacy.
He was also a morally pure person of sterling
character. His word was His bond.
There have been a few persons who have
actually spent their time and resources to
see if there was any great differences in the
Kriya being taught by various teachers here
and abroad. From what I can read - their
efforts did not really resolve this question
of "whos kriya is best, or even so different."
Some Kriya systems are mostly composed of
Hatha Yoga postures & mudras, stuff available
just about anywhere else these days.
They also missed a very powerful ingredient
for success in the spiritual life & kriya yoga
practice - attunement & loyalty to the Guru.
This quality in a devotees life is extremely
essential to ones progress. Yet, a number of
serious devotees will wander away from the
path at times. Not because this path lacks any
true essentials, but mainly because those
devotees are not fully listening and may be
a bit impatient with their expectations.
There is also that longing to be near a group
and a physical teacher. But of what benefit
will this be if it is a lesser teacher. A difference
that is beyond most devotees to determine.
Paramahansa Yogananda created a unique
isometric exercise system in 1916, which
is based upon yoga principles of stretching,
relaxing and energy control. No equipment
is necessary and they can be done anywhere.
It was partly by the use of these energization
exercises that Yogananda was able to save
the life of His younger brother Bishnu Gosh.
This man became one of the worlds foremost
fitness experts & left 500 Hatha Yoga centers.
One can do EE or Hatha yoga, but EE are very
well suited to and connected directly with the
successful practice of SRF Kriya Yoga.
The EE are just a small part of the spiritual
innovations Yogananda gave to the world.
One thing is certain! By doing some research you
will discover that what Yogananda teaches
has resulted in a considerable number of great
souls [particularly those who remained at SRF]
to carry on His work as the main source of His
teaching, the Self-Realization Fellowship/YSS.
Study the results of the Masters work and
you will see that He left a remarkable system
to work with. Of course the final test will be
revealed in your own practice!
Yogananda had the ability to actually see the
movements of energy currents in and around
the Human body, as well as follow the results
of his teachings in the lives of many devotees.
On this basis his teachings are very reliable
and safe to practice. His revelations were not
based upon any intellectual guesswork.
Yoganandas own pure life is a major
testimony of the radiance of a liberated
yogi/prophet. In His life we can see the
wonderful results of a way of practice and
understanding using the Kriya Yoga as
taught in the SRF Lessons.
Many of those others who make confusing
claims may be walking and talking - but
they are not necessarily "Living Masters".
A level of achievement that most devotees
would not be able to discern anyhow.
A living master[not physically in body]
is an absolute need to really progress in life's
most challenging spiritual/mystical quest.
In all spiritual traditions we can find
different levels of teachings. This is a natural
development in all NRM s. It is up to
the seeker to research these matters
& choose what will do the best for him/her.
There are many special advantages to
working with a living master [not in body].
One can study such a life all made clear
through past history, he is what he is.
Friday, April 04, 2008
KRIYA YOGA TODAY: Comments on the way to Find Realization
Real Source for Paramahansa Yoganandas
Life teachings & Kriya Yoga and
Advanced Yoga Meditation lessons.
Some persons have attempted to separate
the divine Guru Paramahansa Yogananda
from his only church (the SRF/YSS).
From my experience/study there is no difference.
They are clearly one and the same in
from its very beginning to the present day.
Paramahansa Yogananda is the
If you have any doubt about this you should reread more carefully what you thought you already read, or read more of what the good Master taught/said. As you may have seriously missed His many declarations to this effect scattered a hundred places throughout His work. He made this matter very clear.
If you are averse to organizations per se, so was Yogananda, but you may have noticed how many yogis/teachers are all creating their own organizations since Yoganandas time.
When taking Kriya Yoga initiation from SRF, you will receive many levels of kriya techniques, all the personal counselling you need, and the blessings and grace which come to a sincere and loyal devotee directly from Yogananda. Do not doubt!
There may be many other forces out there who would meanly compete with SRF, and like virus creators are attempting to distract seekers from Yoganandas work in helping you.
The only way to really know this - now that you have found your true path give it a long serious try.
I assure you that if you understand and follow these sacred teachings of Self-Realization Fellowship, you will make very great progress in all areas of your life, and in the relationships of all whom you should encounter.
Peacefulness will replace stress,
Faith will replace your Doubt,
Calmness will replace Restlessness ,
Wisdom will replace your Ignorance,
Weakness of purpose will be replaced by clear goals,
Intellectuality will give way to intuitive discrimination,
Hatred will be replaced by love.
You will feel yourself as a more intimate part of existence
as your sense of isolation and hopelessness fades.
You will develop a deeper empathy and compassion for all life.
You will feel stronger when meeting lifes challenges.
"From Journey to Self-Realization by PY SRF publishers, LA USA
Wednesday, April 02, 2008

"Meditation may seem to be one of the most difficult habits to form, for the beginner is subject to many delusive thoughts about getting speedy results.
The results of meditation come slow, but sure.
Many novices desire some form of spiritual "entertainment." Others expect their efforts to be rewarded right away with the manifestation of heavenly lights, saints, and deities; but this expectation is premature. Real visions come by prolonged and steady spiritual advancement. Premature experiences of phenomena are generally hallucinations. To avoid the intrusion of such false imagery from the subconscious mind, it is helpful during meditation to keep the eyes half-open and fixed firmly at the point between the eyebrows - the seat of concentration and superconscious perception. Above all, do not love or desire visions more than God.The true signs of progress in meditation are the following: "
"· An increasing peacefulness during meditation.
· A conscious inner experience of calmness in meditation metamorphosing into increasing bliss.
· A deepening of one's understanding, and finding answers to one's questions through the calm intuitive state of inner perception.
· An increasing mental and physical efficiency in one's daily life.
· Love for meditation and the desire to hold on to the peace and joy of the meditative state in preference to attraction to anything in the world.
· An expanding consciousness of loving all with the unconditional love that one feels toward his own dearest loved ones.
· Actual contact with God, and worshiping Him as ever new Bliss felt in meditation and in His omnipresent manifestations within and beyond all creation. "
Page 266-267 from “Journey to Self-Realization”, Self-Realization Fellowship Publishers LA USA
To learn more about Meditation and Kriya Yoga,
See SRF Lessons Course at:
for you to begin your experience with meditation, all
that is required from you is a little time each day and
following the instructions correctly....results will come!
The Self-Realization Fellowshiop Lessons Course is an excellent mail order course perfected under Yoganandas direction, tested and proven to lead sincere devotees to a better life in Samadhi/ salvation, verified by true examples already shown in this path.
These lessons and Yoganandas books and Monastics will answer the many questions you wanted to know about for years! Your lifes quest will now take a positive turn. There is much work to do and here is where a sincere devotee will get all the personal help he/she needs by the experts in this field.
Changing Churches
Changing Teachers
Changing Paths
Changing self!
Essay by PYisLove
When one makes a good overview of all spiritual info & data available from the many sources or other perspectives, they will always mean different things to different persons. Many church/cult leaders failed in various areas -especially the moral and theological areas. Yogananda tells us that if a professed spiritual teacher/leader is not at the least living a noble and moral life, he is a false teacher and not sent by God.
Many innocent persons looking for something new do not look hard enough and seem to be just simply/blindly following the same old crowd, an automatic reaction to their own programming with new hope. It is sort of a "birds of a feather" Co-dependency. Modern popular preachers have it easy as they are really often preaching to the converted.
In the last century leaders were dealing with a lot of things they did not truly understand back then. The idea that no existing church should be accepted may have been partially valid then as now for one who wants to advance in a true spiritual search. But do you actually know when is such a change really progressive?
Sadly, for the common lay person [average Joe/Jane] going from the one popular church to another [Like LDS or Baptist, evangelical, or Witnesses etc] may be more a step sideways than upwards/forwards. Even a number of devotees make the same error of running after every new guru on the scene, mistaking charisma for wisdom and truth. New Kriya paths have many disappointments for those who do not yet understand that a "Living Master" is rarely one in a physical body. If you still need baby sitting you may not yet be ready for the serious commitment of higher teachings such as SRFs Kriya Yoga.
Now that type of move will be a great and enlightening step forward - towards self-empowerment and self-realization. From higher up you will see and understand much more, you will go deeper and lose the narrow way that most persons blindly follow.
The Path to salvation/Christ-Krishna consciousness depends mostly on changing yourself, moreso than changing churches/communities and especially not changing other persons all over the world. Especially to any church which professes to be the dispenser of some gods only truth. That sad chant is nearly worn out. The "one way" chant was from the old conservative schools of the religio-political right.
Now with endless resources at our fingertips, it should be coming clear to intelligent persons that no one goup has any claim or monopoly on Truth/Salvation/Self-Realization.
If true seekers are looking for clear answers or real change in their personal and spiritual life, I recommend reading "The Second coming of Christ; Resurrecting the Christ Within You," by Yogananda, or the introductory smaller version "The Yoga of Jesus."
There is a better way! A way to free yourself from the “blind leading the blind trap.”
Legge, legge, legge, said the childs voice to St. Francis.
More on Meditation >>>
"Meditation requires that instead of praying only for the products of God, you turn your attention to the factory, God Himself. Why not go to the source whence all creation emerges?Meditation is not a vague mental wandering; it is to be concentrated within that hours slip away without your knowing it.
By right meditation Ecstasy comes.
Ecstasy is contact with the source of all power.
In Ecstacy you touch that state in which anything can be done.
If you perservere, a time comes when you find that the assurance and protection of God's power never leaves you.".........................
Quoted from the Talk by Paramahansa Yogananda
"How to Succeed in Finding God",
From the Spring issue of
Self-Realization Magazine, page 13
© Self-Realization Publishers, LA USA
Paramahansa Yogananda on
False Prophets/False Teachers.
"One may argue that a beautiful lotus may be plucked
from a murky pond, or that one may savor
sweetmeats prepared by a person who himself
subsists poorly on bowls of rice; or that one may
even glean some profit by reading a good book
written by an evil man.
But it is an ineluctable truth that in spiritual
matters , for ultimatate realization and God-union,
the shepherding of a false prophet" will not do.
The devotee needs to follow the path of a
God-knowing person, chosen for him by God.
A false prophet can never be a God-ordained guru, no
matter how artfully he presumes such title. A false
prophet is one who knows at heart his hypocrisy and
moral weakness and yet professes gooodness to
attract and hold people who will follow him blindly
for his own ends- financial and gratification of
the ego. A true guru will not bring any such evil
misguidance to his followers."
from page 551, The Second Coming of Christ;;;;;;
(c) SRF Publishers LA USA 2004
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Thursday, March 20, 2008
A Major Event in World Spiritual History.

For the most authoritative site-source
representing the sacred global mission of Paramahansa Yogananda, and Kriya Yoga meditation Lessons please visit;
Mother Center of the Self-Realization Fellowship/YSS centers & meditation groups created by Yogananda to disseminate and direct his spiritual work.To which He bequeathed all publishing/editing rights to his writings.
The Guru disciple Relationship, and our Wisdom, Inspiration and Grace from the East.
Paramahansa Yogananda was/is a true representative of a line of great Kriya Yogis from India.
"As a bright light shining in the midst of darkness, so was Yogananda's presence in this world. Such a great soul comes on earth only rarely, when there is a real need among men."
This declaration by His Holiness Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi, the Sankaracharya of Kanchipuram [now deceased].
Yogananda's acclaimed work"Autobiography of a Yogi’[with the orange cover] has enriched the lives of millions over the globe. Other books by Paramahansa Yogananda as follows are ;
Whispers from eternity,
The Second Coming of Christ, The Yoga of Jesus, Man's Eternal Quest,
God talks with Arjuna [Gita], The Yoga of the Bhagavad Gita, journey to Self-Realization, The Divine Romance, Where there is Light,
The Science of Religion etc.,
Also read "Only love" and "Finding the Joy Within You" by Daya Mata.
Any of these works will help the spiritual truth seeker gain deeper insights into this great modern Masters revelations for this third millennia and the NRM of Self-Realization Fellowship /YSS that He founded for the benefit of all humanity.
Readers and devotees should be made aware that these complete editions, and the more recent works from Self-Realization Fellowship publishers, contain changes and many authorized improvements by the author and editors in chief trained and appointed by Yogananda to edit and Publish his works. These are publications that are approved by a council of Yoganandas loyal direct disciples that are in tune with the masters wishes for His spiritual work. Which means that the accuracy and fidelity of their publication to truly show the teachings of Yogananda are of the highest order.
Yet, althoug all organizations will have their challenges from various directions, SRF has handled these challenges with courage and compassion and on average with very good judgement.
From extensive research and experience in this area I believe SRF has faithfully followed his instructions and final teachings in all their publications of His sacred writings. Many still feel the Masters living presence in all these publications - a testimony to their authenticity and the wisdom guided attunement of His loyal SRF editors/publishers.
Yoganandas teachinng is all about enlightenment, pluralism, and the spiritual life from the mystical non-sectarian approach. About a Kriya Yoga reemphasized and clarified by Yoganandas sacred lineage of divine Masters[saviors]
It is about the transferring of our egos attention Matter to Spirit through the science of Kriya Yoga meditation from outer limiting forms to the inner Reality and realizations of our real Self - our real nature.
It is about expanding our innate consciousness from this body and its sense of isolation to our native omnipresence, Christ consciousness , where we know the oneness of all life with deep compassionate awareness.
It is about self-effort plus grace, & the blessed assistance of those who have reached self-realization and know what it is.
It is the state and purpose of the Avatar [divine manifestation] to show us the way. By one who knows the way.
This great world teacher, a divine prophet, encourages the individual to approach religion with a questioning mind, with discipline and devotion, to test its claims from personal experience.
Using meditation, devotion, and Kriya methods to get results, and to take responsibility for making all decisions with good judgment that will enhance life for all of us, the loyal and persistent devotee makes great gains in personal/spiritual growth.
Yogananda, with clarity and the touch of a master teacher, explains the reason and methodology of how to know and communicate with God - the ultimate reality of our own being. How to fulfill lifes deepest needs and purposes with joy and personal growth . He has left us everything we need to know to live a better life in harmony with our fellow persons, and bring peace to this world. More than this - he is ever available as a "Living Master" to guide those who are truly in tune with Him.
Over the last century, this Masters teachings and life example have been a major force contributing to elevating humanitys consciousness in spiritual understanding and tolerance.
In this Master’s writings we find a way to loose those prejudices which are dividing the human race, a way that can have us work together without all following only one sectarian religion, a way that can enhance our inherited or chosen Path and reveal That Inner Reality through direct personal experience. Yogananda, known as the "father of Yoga in America," was a true pioneer of the evolution of modern spiritual trends and more tolerant understandings.
If you are associated with a faith that says there is only one way or one prophet to fulfill the spiritual life for all of humanity, or claims to possess some Gods only truth, know that interpretation to be far from the truth. God does not deal in monopolies. If your way boasts about being the greatest because it is the latest – it may not always appear to be so. If you have not read about the beauty and wisdom of other paths, if you are still seeing things in popular ways, it will be a while before you truly understand your own. But when you are sure you have found your path - it is only then one pointed,loyal dedication is needed. It is now your great duty to convert/transform yourself to that which you claim to believe in!
This requires the deprogramming of our aquired ignorance which is normally passed on to us by our religion and our culture, an introspective self-help process which will give us a new life and more positive direction eventually leading to Self-Realization. But it requires the aid of a realized teacher, especially one who is no longer in the body. Thus the value of the Master-Disciple relationship.
Like any other teacher/pupil interchange, the student must be attentive, sincere, and humble for any serious progress to be gained. This creates and attunement that maximizes grace and inspiration.
There is a quiet revolution taking place in the world of religion and philosophy, the information age make it difficult for "one way people" to shrug off everyone else as heathens and damned. But even before the world of IT bloomed great ones like Yogananda[and especially PY] was sharing the most advanced and deeper teachings of world scripture. There are a number of great spiritual beings that have shown us this new way during the last century, and it is surely and steadily changing the concepts of global thinking about the meaning and purpose of life. About the value of other spiritual paths, about the rights of others and who we really are. The time for exclusive claims and slogans is now leaving the world.
Was He a new prophet?......An Avatar and world teacher?.............a saint?........a liberated Yogi?.........the crest of a wisdom lineage? example of accelerated human evolution?............and innovator in education and a healer?
The record is there, and it won't become clear from a quick reading.
He was at least all of the above.
Because His work and revelation took place in such modern circumstances, we are left with one of the most remarkably detailed records of the Divine Incarnation/Avatar.
And yet, there always appears to be some vague non-existent contradictions being promoted/created by the disenchanted, the antagonists, the competitors, and even by some of those who fear His great work is endangering the existence of their most sacred chant. Their hidebound programming by those who do not know what they teach. As they continue to chant to the weary world -"Our way is the only true way."
Many religionists have chanted that refrain in vain for so long, while the rest of the globe just keep producing more great souls from all spiritual paths, and all walks of life. They all maintain their full time intellectual apologists who work on the premis that "we can still prove the earth is flat." They may be skilled at their trade, but what good is skill without realizations wisdom. No matter how honed your arguements,"the moon is still not in the pond." And much of the world is still travelling to India to seek the real meanings of life and death.
India comes to America...........

He clearly taught us how to dissect what was true and what was innacurate in all the writings - sacred or otherwise- of the world scriptures. I one takes the method of His commentary and intuitively applies this way to all the one reads, the truth or err of it will become evident.
Above all, He showed us the way to change ourselves from the inside out.
That introspective challenge that is the fear of most conservative persons, especially those persons who are still shouting -"our way is the only way."
Is their narrow approach the spawning ground of dangerous empire builders and the cruellest of dictators who use the name of their god to enslave all others to spread the thier own dark ideas? Is this the chant of the misguided missionary who would have the world completely change because like so many of us, he/she fears total self-change, the only true road to salvation?
Sample quote; from page 234 of “Man’s Eternal Quest”
by Paramahansa Yogananda… © Self-realization Fellowship publishers, LA USA 1992.
“Every saint who has come on earth has contributed toward the fulfillment of God’s desire for the spiritual upliftment of His human children. The great ones come with two purposes; to inspire and enlighten a certain number or a large mass of people; and to train real disciples, those who pattern their lives after the master’s. The latter are the members of the Masters true “family”, constituting an inner group in whom he plants His spiritual life. ………
The most difficult task for every God-ordained spiritual teacher is to produce others like himself………… tries to enable many devotees to commune with God.” Paramahansa Yogananda.
Also; In the "Second Coming of Christ" scripture by the same author, He adds;"True Devotees do not follow a stranger - a so-called teacher sent by God. They will avoid self-elected spiritual guides, feeling no attunement with those who are lacking in divine realization and appointment by God............true devotees are not attracted to false teachers - no matter how popular they may be. ..........When a devotee prays intensely to God to know truth, God sends him a true Guru to Guide him." Pages 1014-1015. (c) SRF LA USA.
Namaste , PYisLOVE