Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Self-Realization today

The balanced and timely
Wisdom of
Paramahansa Yogananda.

from "Whispers from Eternity"
by Paramhansa Yogananda
c SRF Publishers LA USA

May the Niagara of my Joys inundate all hearts.

May the Niagara Falls of the joys from my heart gush unceasingly over those whom I meet. May its flooding power sweep away the heavy logs of others' difficulties.
Let all wash their melancholia with the moonbeams of my bliss.
I will be the tornado of laughter, marring the superstructures of sorrow, spread over miles and miles of mentalities.
I will churn up and blow away all the troubles of hearts.
In the lightning-flashes of my mirth, I will swiftly bring to view the panorama of Thy beauty, hidden beneath the nocturnal darkness of unseeing minds.
Bless me, that by a single shaft of my light I may put to flight the gathering gloom of ages, nurtured in the dark corners of human minds.
Through Thy grace, a little light of sudden wisdom will dispel the accumulated error of a million years.

Self-Realization today

Self-Realization today

Self-Realization today

Self-Realization today

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Seeking God Now

Daya Mata on

"You cannot reason your way into Self-Realization.
You cannot think you way into God-realization.
You can arrive at those exalted states only by using the concentrated mind in meditation, going beyond the intellect to perceive through the power of the soul’s sixth sense.

“The freedom and joy and wisdom, the understanding, the love --- everything that your heart has ever craved—is waiting for you in God.”

Sri Daya Mata.” from her talk on -"Exploring the inner world of the Spirit."

Self-Realization today

From Yoganandas poem "Samadhi "

From joy I came, for joy I live, in sacred joy I melt. Ocean of mind, I drink all creation's waves. Four veils of solid, liquid, vapor, light, Lift aright. I, in everything, enter the Great Myself. Gone forever: fitful, flickering shadows of mortal memory; Spotless is my mental sky--below, ahead, and high above; Eternity and I, one united ray. A tiny bubble of laugher, I Am become the Sea of Mirth Itself."

Self-Realization today: October 2006

Self-Realization today: October 2006
Photo copyrighted by fp/ppa 2006
From Paramahansa Yogananda's wisdom;

"We are all part of the one spirit.
When you experience the true meaning of religion,
which is to know God,
you will realize that He is your real self,and that He exists equally and impartially in all beings."

Self-Realization today

For a more detailed account of Paramahansa Yogananda's life and works - read;

The Launching of a Modern Spiritual Legacy


Self-Realization today

Further note on previous blog,,.......

There is a great deal to learn about Paramahansa Yogananda , try reading his trilogy of talks in the SRF publications entitled,

Man's Eternal Quest

The Divine Romance

Journey to Self-Realization
The Second Coming of Christ.......

In His beautiful writings you will have all your questions answered, with boosts of inspiration and wisdom. There are well over 100 references to the devotee to be loyal to SRF and work with the lessons and meditation groups.

Self-Realization today

Message to a New Devotee

From Yogananda's handwritten letter about being loyal to SRF and Kriya Yoga practice.

“I am sending to you immediately the wonderful things that came to me about Kriya Yoga and Pranayama.
Please strictly refrain from describing the technique of Kriya Yoga, which I indelible a part of our work for disciples only ………Kriya yoga indeed has a very popular appeal…..Everybody is anxious to receive it after reading the book Autobiography of a Yogi, and I am giving it to them only after they have received their foundation in the Preacepta lessons……..The science of Kriya Yoga is mentioned in the book but the road to Kriya yoga will be learned from SRF/YSS Headquarters.”
“ This is not the end of your relationship with SRF or Kriya Yoga – but the beginning. Keep contact with headquarters and you will be linked with the masters, by which salvation is reached quickly…….
Some take Kriya Yoga and become fully satisfied and forget all about the link with the Masters – they will never reach God.”
“Kriya Yoga is the fastest airplane route to God, but it has to be piloted by the gurus – SRF teachings regularly received.”

Paramahansa Yogananda……….

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Self-Realization today

Who can really know who the real messiah of this age is - was - or will be.
There may even be more than one.

His name is Paramahansa Yogananda...
the future will more and moresupport this.
Many can still hope and make the pretext
of being able to prophesy.
They have their reasons.

So many devotees of many of the worlds Gurus like to think that their Guru Is the avatar of this age - or a messiah. But the missions of teachers is varied and different. Many are the higher paths in this world.
Yet the life and legacy of Paramahansa Yogananda would be most difficult to match or exceed. Or who could surpass a number of masters/saviors of the SRF path. Any one of many who could be acclaimed a true messiah.
But It is in particualar Paramahansa Yogananda's wisdom that has been reshaping the worlds view of religion and spirituality for almost a full century soon.

Even almost a century after His noble birth - his work is still far ahead of our times. In the fields of spiritual understanding, healing, science, psychology etc. Read his books and you will be very inspired by his wisdom & perhaps even see and feel His living presence.
I will soon publish some testimonials about this great soul.

Of course many others are also contributing their part to this grand global spiritual movement. A noble transformation that is dissolving exclusivism and prejudices.
It is just the sheer scale, completeness, originality, of His ideas and ideals, and the greateness of his unique life of service to humanity for all of us that makes Yogananda so outstanding.

Namaste ...pyislove

Monday, October 23, 2006

What is Self-Realization?

Self-Realization; Kriya Yoga
In the clear definition of its founder; Paramahansa Yogananda -the father of Yoga in America.

"Self-Realization is the knowing-in body, mind and soul- that we are one with the omnipresence of God; that we do not have to pray that it come to us, that we are not merely near it at all times, but that God's omnipresence is our omnipresence ; that we are just as much a part of Him now as we ever will be. ............. All we have to do is improve our knowing."

(Sayings of Paramahansa Yogananda, ©Self-Realization publishers, LA USA)